Production Processes Brief One
The Company i am looking at is a Media Production Company called Boomernag, based at 218 Penarth Road Cardiff . Initialy established in 1994, the Boomerang group has grown to become one of the most successful media production companies in Wales. Boomerang is most known for producing entertainment, extreme sports, factual, musical, as well as radio programming; producing work for S4C, ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky Sports to name but a few. A recent acquisition between two local production companies Fflic and Alfresco, has expanded Boomerang's talent base considerably. This means the compamy now also produces programmes for genres such as children's, lifestyle, comedy, drama and documentary.
I now intend to analyse the companys website, http://www.boomerang.tv/ I intend to assess how well the web-site is designed visualy and determine if the written content on the website is appropriate.

What are the major strengths and/or limitations of the way the information has been organised?
Boomerang's website is presented as a simple html site. It is much more heavy in written content than visual, though simple text and layouts are used throughout. Apart from providing approriate company contact information, the content is clearly provided to give an overview of the work Boomerang develops. Unfortunately apart from describing the programmes the company makes, the lack of visual content makes the site look rather bland. Furthermore, it would be better if more visual examples of the programmes Boomerang produce were included on the site as this would provide greater clarity.
Has the information (text and images) been appropriately edited and structured?
The overall written & visual content is presented in a professional manor. It is clear from the design that the company is aiming to attract high profile clientel. This is done through the use of simple text and layouts. The website is also viewable both in English and Welsh.
Is the hierarchy clear?
The hierarchy of the design is both simple and easy to use. The information is well organised into different categories; about, television, radio, extreme sports and contact. The navigation bar is always situated at the top of the page, with the changing written content appearing below.
Is legibility good?
The legability is good throughout the website. The text is clear and easy to read on the dark background, with the design of the text being designed with a clear font and good size.
Is Readability good?
The readability is good, although a little heavy in places. The language is easy to understand, with no unnessesary termonology that could confuse the reader.
Are images used to give information or just decorate the pages?
The few images used on the pages are mainly there for decoration, however they do relate to the content of the information of the page that they are on.
Is colour used to clarify the information or as an expressive add-on?
The pages are dark blue to tie in with the company logo, with the text written in white. This use of white over a dark background helps to clearly present the information to the viewer, with bold being used to highlight headings and important points.

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